Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Thoughts about First RGVFTC Meeting

As expected there was a wave of uncertainty about whether to reorganize an group that has served us so well in the past. The group consisted of fifteen members that listened to my explanation of the benefits of joining the IFFF as a charter club.

One of the common questions was what benefit do we get from being a member of the IFFF? Some of the points listed were simply credibility, funding support, promotion, insurance, non-for-profit status, a united voice, collaboration with other clubs, a focus on education and diversity, and the establishment of future leadership to promote the fly tying and fly fishing desires of like-minded anglers.

Another question was the idea of whether to have two clubs. As we discussed the organization of the fly tiers group, we began to discover a contrast between other clubs in the area. The fly tiers group meets regularly with its members. Members in the fly tying group have a direct voice in the club's operation. Regardless of the differences, it was generally agreed that both groups can flourish as they have done before. The fly tying group and the fly fishing group were independent from the beginning so forming two clubs wouldn't be that much different. It was stated that two clubs from south Texas would offer a stronger voice in the IFFF and Texas Council.

Within the next week, a board of officers will be formed. No commitments have been made by fly tying members, so anyone interested is asked to contact me (856-639-3426/ if they are interested in serving.

For more information about the International Federation of Fly Fishers visit  More information about the Texas Council of the IFFF visit the following page

Please provide comments below or ask questions.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Welcome to RGVFTC

Welcome to the Rio Grande Valley Fly Tiers Club (RGVFTC). On Tuesday, June 11, 2013 a group of individuals interested and committed to educating, promoting, and participating in the art of fly tying will meet to organize the Rio Grande Valley Fly Tiers Club. The meeting will be held at Bass Pro Shop's meeting and training room at 6:30 p.m.

The organizational meeting will be attended by individuals who originally are part of the Laguna Madre Fly Tier's Group. The intent was to take advantage of the perks afforded to clubs chartered with the International Federation of Fly Fishers. The IFFF has a fifty year history of bringing those interested into fly fishing together.

The Rio Grande Valley is growing and the number of fly fishing clubs will soon be two. The name of the fly tying group was changed slightly to avoid confusion with other clubs working toward charter memberships with the IFFF. The Laguna Madre Fly Fishing Association is hoping to develop a charter within a few weeks. The two groups will continue to work with one another by partnering in bringing nationally renown speakers and providing a common voice for the concerns of south Texas fly fishers.

The Laguna Madre Fly Tier's Group enjoyed a loosely organized group. We want to continue to have the same level of comfort and friendship as always while at the same time encouraging others to join in. Now as the Rio Grande Valley Fly Tiers Club we will focuse on educating individuals of all skill levels. One important aspect is that fly tying can be easily enjoyed by women and children. Our intent is to provide a venue for these groups to develop their skills in fly tying and venture out to our beautiful estuaries.

Thank all of you for making the Rio Grande Valley Fly Tiers Club a gem in the IFFF.

Dr. Reynaldo Ramirez, Jr., Co-founder and Organizer