Friday, September 27, 2013

Tying Charlie's Braided Shrimp

The Rio Grande Valley Fly Tiers Club will be meeting on Tuesday, October 1, 2013 at the Bass Pro Shop meeting room for a round of fly tying. We'll tie the braided shrimp beginning at 6:30 p.m.

Charlie Villarreal will be the guest tier and will introduce us to tying the braided shrimp fly. Charlie has caught numerous spotted seatrout with this pattern. He let me take the one in the video below to try on redfish. I'll keep you posted about how well it works.

Below you will find a video that takes us step by step to tying the fly. The video provides enough information about tying the fly in general but if you want to learn to tie the fly from the master himself join us.

Rio Grande Valley Fly Tier Club members will tie the fly for free and if you are a non-member you are still invited to join us for $2.50 for instructions and cost of materials.

Enjoy the video and hope to see you.

Old Salt

Go to this link or click on the Youtube link HERE.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

One Fly Swap Tournament Postponement

I've been up since 3:00 a.m. looking outside to see if the weather will change, The Weather Channel says it won't. I guess it's just as well. I got a chance to post on the blog, send out e-mails, update our Rio Grande Valley Fly Fishing Clubs Ning site, and register for Oktoberfisch.

And one thing is trying to figure out a date to have our One Fly Swap Tournament. It looks like the Saturday, October 26, 2013 would be a good time to try again. The weather is great at that time and fronts seem to not be as severe.

We'll use the same rules as posted in the previous post and hope for the best.