Texas Fly Selection

These flies are used in Texas waters to catch a variety of fish species. Most are not unique to Texas, but they are included to give those wondering what works in the Lone Star state. If you have a fly that you want added to this list just e-mail a photograph, fly name, fly tyer's name, and fish species to target. A recipe would be great, but not necessary. Send the e-mail to reyram49@gmail.com.

Here's some of the flies we have so far:

Compton's Crayfish - Dr. Reynaldo Ramirez Jr

EP (Enrico Puglisi) Baitfish - Charlie Villarreal

Dave's Hopper - Norma Gonzalez

Peyton's Shrimp - Dr. Reynaldo Ramirez Jr.

Black Deceiver - Dr. Reynaldo Ramirez Jr.

Hi-Ti - Charlie Villarreal

Weighted Chartreuse Seaducer - Dr. Reynaldo Ramirez Jr

B-R Special - Capt. Bryan Robinson

Flat Wing - Dr. Jack Keller

Lefty's Deceiver - Dr. Reynaldo Ramirez Jr

Chartreuse/White Clouser - Dr. Reynaldo Ramirez Jr

Braided Shrimp - Charlie Villarreal

Unweighted Chartreuse Seaducer - Dr. Reynaldo Ramirez Jr

Laguna Creature (Seaducer) - Dr. Reynaldo Ramirez Jr

Short-Tailed Seaducer - Dr. Reynaldo Ramirez Jr

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